I love my house- hate my yard.
Ok, hate is a strong word. I strongly dislike my yard. I wish you could have seen what it looked like when we moved here...everything was overgrown, the front of the house was completely shrouded by ancient junipers, and rhododendrons. Juniper is my least favorite plant, that has a scent I can only describe as cat pee. I know- gross, right? Well, they were living right under our windows, so I wanted them gone.
Fortunately for us, we made fast friends with our neighbor Rob. Rob loved yard work. Especially yard work that involved demolition. Rob had a truck and a chain, and he offered to yank those suckers out for us.
It was nothing short of a thrill watching the guys attach the chain, get into that old truck and floor it. The tires spun! Mud was flying! I held my breath hoping the rear bumper of the truck would stay attached. Not only did it stay on, but it yanked out those God-forsaken bushes by the roots. I think 21 in all.
But now what to do? Yes,we had a blank canvas, but no vision.
The picture here, of the front of the house is completely barren, and continues to be even now, a season later.
We do have grass now, but like everything else, there's a story for that, too.
The yard had no grass, instead there was a layer of moss over the whole surface. It was neglected for so long, that we had to start over. That meant tilling, raking, planting new grass seed and watering like crazy. If anyone has ever done this, you know how bone-shatteringly tiring it can be. If not, you are extremely lucky and I'm insanely jealous.
The grass grew in beautifully, but it grew only because I didn't touch the seeds. That was my husband's territory. I have a cursed "brown thumb" and am not allowed to participate in anything that requires the growing of a plant.
That being said, you can see why I have nothing in the way of curb appeal going on here. I need some major help. I want something "clean" neat, nothing that's going to grow all crazy-tall and out of control. I want lighting, pretty mulch, flowers for all seasons....I need a gardener! ha ha.
The Silver Lining:
There is one very cool feature, that we need to focus on though. It's in our side yard and it's gorgeous. This area was a wet, yucky low-lying drainage area. My husband dug down, laid down plastic, and poured gravel to make a dry creek bed. Then he made about a gazillion trips with the wheelbarrow filled with all these big rocks, and hand placed them one by one. The rocks came from our neighbor's yard overhaul (thanks Rob and Betsy!)
I think this project took him about 2 months of weekends, and some nights after work. He lost about 20 lbs. in the process, too.
Neighbors driving by would slow down, and tell him it was "looking good" and "great job". I think so too.
It not only looks cool, it really does divert the rainwater into the drainage pipe way better. It used to collect in this one spot, and I guarantee mosquitoes were having raves in there.
He did an amazing job, and I know he will continue to tweak it this spring and summer, so stay tuned!
March 31, 2007
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I love your description of the truck pulling out the junipers. I could really visualize it and your thrill at seeing them GONE.
You have a huge yard, so I can see how overwhelming it can be to plan a garden. You do have a wonderful setting, though.
That dry riverbed looks great and is so functional.
Lea that is great! I love the rocks, very beautiful, and useful too! Such a big beautiful yard, you have lots of possibilities!
Wow, I have heard of Juniper but didn't know it smelled like cat pee, ugh, good to know!
Hee your description of your neighbor and his love to yank things out and play with stuff made me laugh!
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